- Thibaut Paruite aka SPOE -

SPOE CREATIVE STUDIO : art direction + photography + graphic design.
PHOTOGRAPHY : Personal work - Random Data Vision.
ART : Paintings

SPOE SURFBOARDS : design & handshaping surfboards

A skilled creative head with extensive experience working as Creative & Marketing Manager, Art Director, Graphic Designer & Photographer within sports lifestyle industries & publishing.

As a skilled and entrepreneurial creative head, I combine my passion for sport, art, and photography with business acumen to craft compelling brand identities and lead dynamic global campaigns. My creative approach blends strategy with innovative content creation, always staying true to my values of creativity, exploration, and meaningful connections.

Graduating with a DNAT (Diplôme National d’Arts et Techniques) with a major in Promotion from ESADHar (École Supérieure d’Art et Design Le Havre-Rouen. France), I developed a strong strategic and creative foundation that has empowered me to lead successful initiatives in the sports, lifestyle, and publishing industries.


Alongside my professional work, I pursue a personal creative journey that spans various mediums—ranging from stills, painting, and drawing to designing and handshaping custom surfboards.

This passion allows me to push the boundaries of creativity and craftsmanship,
constantly experimenting with new ideas.

As a versatile creative head, I brought extensive experience collaborating with international artists, presented my work in numerous art exhibitions, and served as a creative force across various medias, magazines and brands.

+33 (0)616 725 823    
Location | Biarritz . FR